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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter to Mr. Kleats

411 Walnut Avenue
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 8X7

May 25, 2011

Mr. Kleats
Soccer Coach
456 Sprucegrove Street,
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 7V3

Dear Mr. Kleats:

I am the mother of a player on your team, Douglas, and I am concerned about a couple of issues regarding the soccer team. I know that you do not get paid to coach, and appreciate that you take time out of your day to coach the team. However, I am spending money to have my son play, and I would like to express my thoughts as to what I would like to see.

I have noticed that practice times start about 20 minutes later than they are supposed to. Maybe you can't make it until that time, so I was thinking that practices could start later and end later. Also, the practice itself seems to be a little disorganized at times. I have seen the players standing around not knowing what to do numerous times. The league the team is in is a house league, so I am confused as to why some players play more than others. I am aware that the games are more enjoyable for the players when there is competiton, but for the children who rarely play it cannot be fun. My son has also told me that players sometimes get yelled at after they make a bad play. I feel that there are better ways that you could tell them what you would like to see, such as giving them pointers. The kids just want to go have fun, and I feel this is more important than winning every game.

I appreciate you taking the time to view my concerns.

Sincerely, Debbie Huffington

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spectacular Princess Margaret

Princess Margaret Secondary School is filled with all the amenities necessary to fulfil a student's wants and needs. A student's life couldn't be any better due to the amount and quality of different utilities. This results in raised morale around the school and an increased desire to learn by the students. The administration has really put the students before itself when it comes to spending money on school equipment and student luxuries.

Without the incredible chairs, students would feel much less comfortable at school. The plastic that is used is exquisite. It compliments the gleuteus so perfectly that it feels like you could sit there for almost an hour straight. The structure of the chairs is brilliant. The design of the chairs was so perfectly thought out that students would never get too comfortable, and never be able to fall asleep and miss out on their studies. The legs of the chairs are also extremely well constructed, and collapsing chairs only happen occassionally. Because plastic is inexpensive, the school district also saves money on the purchase of chairs, and that money can be put to good use such as buying books that might get read once or maybe even heating schools occassionally during the winter. The seating at Princess Margaret is really quite exceptional, to say the least.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Song or Poem - Pickup Truck

Pickup Truck - Kings of Leon

I walk you home to see
Where you're living around
And I know this place
Pour yourself on me
And you know I'm the one
That you won't forget

And in your denim eyes
I see something's awry
And I see you're weak
When he comes around
I see you're fixing to shine
And my face won't speak

Hate to be so emotional
I didn't mean to get physical
But when he pulled in and revved it up
I said, "You call that a pickup truck?"

And in the moonlight I throwed him down
A kicking, screaming and rolling around
A little piece of a bloody tooth
Just so you know I was thinking of you
Just so you know, oh

Trembling misery and it's cold as a hole
Hug your bones and skin
Crackling wood's gone white
And my eyes swelled up now
I can see the light

Hate to be so emotional
I didn't mean to get physical
But when he pulled in and revved it up
I said, "You call that a pickup truck?"

And in the moonlight I throwed him down
A kicking, screaming and rolling around
A little piece of a bloody tooth
Just so you know I was thinking of you
Just so you know, oh
Just so you know, oh
Just so you know, oh

I hate to be so emotional
I didn't mean to get physical
But when he pulled in and revved it up
I said, "You call that a pickup truck?"

And in the moonlight I throwed him down
A kicking, screaming and rolling around
A little piece of a bloody tooth
Just so you know I was thinking of you
Just so you know I was thinking of you
Just so you know, oh
Just so you know, oh

The song Pickup Truck by Kings of Leon is about a man who visits his ex-lover, and realizes that she is in an abusive relationship with her new boyfriend. The man then sees the new boyfriend and thinks that he deserves to be beaten up, so he can know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. An allusion is used at the beginning of the song in the lines "Where your living around; And I know this place." This shows that the man has been over before, and that he knows the girl well.   The song uses a simile in the lyrics "Trembling misery and it's cold as a hole." This line also shows that misery is comparable to being stuck in a hole. Personification is used in the sentence "Hug your bones and skin." In the previous sentence it states that it's cold out, and this shows that the cold is wrapping around their bodies and it is impossible to warm up. It is also ironic when the man talks about beating the ex-boyfriend up and he says there's "A little piece of a bloody tooth. Just so you know I was thinking of you." He acts as if fighting the ex-boyfriend is a good thing to do, so that the ex-girlfriend will know that he still cares. Effective imagery is also used in the lines "And in the moonlight I throwed him down; A kicking, screaming and rolling around." Pickup Truck by Kings of Leon tells a story of a man who does what he believes is right.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Bullying Test

To determine if bullying is a problem or not in Canadian Schools, we took a trip to Penticton, B.C. to conduct a test on the premises of Princess Margaret Secondary School. We traveled to this city of approximately 35000 people to see how students would react to a scene of bullying right in front of them. We got 2 teenagers to set up a fake act of bullying. At around 11 AM on a Tuesday morning, 1 student started to shove another student, with one student purposely acting as the aggressor and the other acting as the victim. A boy walked around the corner, and noticed the bullying taking place in the middle of a hallway. The boy looked at the 2 other students fighting, gave an almost puzzled look, and continued on to walk down the hall. Directly after we noticed that the boy did not do anything and just kept on walking, we interviewed him. We asked him why he didn't try to stop the bullying or at least tell the bully to stop. He responded, "What? That was bullying? I thought one boy was just     having a better time playing than the other boy. I've never seen bullying before, so I was confused as to what was happening." We asked the boy if the next time he saw bullying occur he would do something about it he replied, "Of course! Now that I know what it is!" We conducted one more test to see what another student would do in the same situation, and the results were different. When he saw the bullying take place, he immediately jumped between the bully and the victim and told the bully to stop. We asked the boy why he followed through with his actions. "Well I used to live in a different town where bullying was alot more common. I knew what to do because I've been in that situation before, being a victim. The reason I moved to Penticton actually, was because I heard that bullying is practically non-existent here. And that was the first time I've seen bullying happen since I moved, so that must be true." The results from these tests have shown us that some high schools may have bullying, but at Princess Margaret it's a complete non-issue.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Over

     "You never pay attention to me anymore," Matilda declared.
     "I've been busy," Randal murmered.
     "Well I need more attention," Matilda demanded, "and if you don't give me more, I'll find someone who can."
Matilda's voice was practically at a yell. 
     "I'll give you more, I promise. Just give me another chance," Randal pleaded.
     "To be honest, I'm not even sure that you have feelings for me anymore," questioned Matilda.
     "Baby I love you. And I want to be with you. I've been tied up with a few things that's all."
     "You've been tied up with things for 3 weeks," Matilda raged, "and I can't take it anymore!"
Randal, becoming angry by Matilda's constant bickering, turned around and looked right into Matilda's eyes.
Randal proclaimed, "If you don't want to be with me so be it. I never really liked you anyways."
     "SMACK!" Matilda slapped Randal right across the face.
     "I'm leaving!" Maltida shouted. "I'm leaving and never coming back!"
     "Fine." Randal replied, "Get out of my house, I don't want you here anymore. It's over."
Matilda rushed out of the room and slammed the door.
     "Good riddance," Randal mumbled to himself.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I am an excellent example of a human. I can go into slow motion and catch a bullet with 2 fingers. I am known as Father Teresa because I once rescued 47 people from a burning ship in the middle of the Pacific. I can hold my breathe for over 12 minutes. I can ski on pool noodles. One time I chopped down a tree with a swiss army knife. My arms are the size of an average man's legs.  When I whistle, an eagle comes and lands on my shoulder. I can recite pi backwards. I have a youtube video which gets 34 hits a second. Psychiatrists come to me for help frequently. I can turn almost any object into platinum. I can recharge batteries by pushing my fingers against each end. I can do a standing front flip, back flip and both in 1 jump. I can read a book with my eyes closed.

If I am accepted into your college, I will apply all my skills and attributes to it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grade 12 is a Car

A day in the life of a teenage student in grade 12 is the same as driving a car. The first thing you need to do is start the car and pull out of the driveway. This is the same as waking up in the morning and going on your way to school. As your driving along, you reach a traffic light. If it is red, that means you're in class. If it's yellow, you're cautiously making your way through the crowded halls. If the light is green, this means either it's lunch time, or you have the green light to shoot the three in your basketball game. So you finally go through the traffic light, and you notice a police officer pulling someone over. This is like when a teacher pulls a student out of class, and is about to give them strict punishment. You pass by the police car and yield to incoming traffic. The yield sign is when a teacher is going off on the entire class, and you know you need to sit there and let them yell. Next you notice that the speed limit has dropped and you slow down the car. This would be when you go from having an ultra slack do-no-work teacher to having a super strict no-fun-allowed teacher. You've almost reached your destination and you see that someone's car has broken down and they're busy calling a tow truck. This is like when you fail a course, and are trying to explain to your parents why you bombed the class. You finally arrive, and you are about to walk across the stage. It's like when you arrive at your final destination on a roadtrip, you turn off your engine and get out of the car. Looking back one last time at the journey you just had, knowing that you will never have another one quite like it.